Wednesday, November 6, 2019

week 11 - Week Blog packaging

 By packaging a file, you gather the font files. By doing so, if you submit the "ai" file, the font would not be included. The font will be replaced by a red bar. In addition, while independently researching "packaging", you also gather linked graphic files.
To save it, you compress the file and make it into a ".zip" file.
The reason why packaging to the correct location is important is because, if you install it into a file for instances, and you don't include the font file, the font will not be included at all. That's why file organization is important in general.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

10 week blog post

During the process of the low poly art design, at first it seemed really hard. But I later realize, it was pretty easy. I think the hardest portion was making the triangles in small spaces. (e.g the small stem of the pear). But I figured it out during the way. I decided to use shade and tinted colors in the triangle to match the gradient of the pear. For example, I used a darker green color to represent the shades and a brighter color to represent the tint. These choices represents my concept of a low poly pear.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

09 week blog post

Image result for low poly art

Low poly art is a image with meshed in small polygons. (e.g 1.2 image). As you can see from the image, simple geometric shapes are placed side by side to represent an object that takes up space. Poly art also has a lossless feel to it. In addition, it also has a low data file when downloaded. The name "low poly" is contributed by the small data usage, not only the meshed polygons. Low poly art is used in video games, to compress the rendering usage. It runs faster and is visually pleasing.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

06 week - project 3

Image result for complementary picturesImage result for complementary picturesImage result for complementary pictures

I like these colors. Everyday I complement colors without thinking. For example picking my outfit for the day. At occasions I wear blue pants and have a yellow sweater.

The reason why I chose the orange image is because it took out from the rest. Most of the images are real objects or colors. While this one was photo shopped. In addition it also is a good example of the differential eye cortex in humans. This image some what puts myself in others cornea. 

The checkers board is also the same as the orange image. But are good examples of good complementary colors and also differentiates eye cortex in humans. It fascinates me to see this because of the idea of different eye cortex.

The peas and tomato image is different from the rest of the selected images. Showing real color and is also a good example of red and green being complementary to each other. This gives off a satisfying emotion. I feels good to see this image, it feels like it was meant to be.

Shades is darkening a color by mixing black into the color.

Tint: is whitening the color by mixing a white color into the color.


For my icon set design, I'm considering using: yellow and blue, purple and green, and light blue and red.

For my full color icon-set, I'm considering using light blue and red.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Tip Calculator

$ 0.00 each

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Week 5 Blog Post Project 3

An icon design is a graphical symbol that represents fictional, nonfictional or abstract motive, or action. In software applications, an icon represents a program. Similar to the YouTube play button icon on your phone.

Icon styles need have clarity and simplicity. Less detail and also using firm shapes. Firm shapes makes the icon set firm and also attractive.

The clarity and simplicity icons resonated with me. You don't have to be detailed to be good. A well design is simple and is clarified.

 These are the simplest icons. But you can still describe the icon by looking at it.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Week 4 blog - project 2

"We're on FIRE!" - Bill Nye The Science Guy

Yes indeed we're in fire. As we speak were peaking record high in Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere. My design is a Microwave heating the Earth. The first thing you see is the Earth. I wanted to emphasize Earth, because it should be a priority rather than global greed.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Wk 3 blog post

The challenge was the pen practice tutorial. It was difficult at first to use it. Using the handle was the hardest. I went online and researched easy keys such as the Control key that edits the pen.
It was hard enough without a mouse but I managed it. But I adapted and overcome my weaknesses.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Blog post Week 02

Vector art is created using illustration software. Vector art is mathematical equations to create art cleanly, precisely and optimally. The computer remembers mathematical formulas for the lines and shapes you put and redraws them at any scale. Sorta like normal 3D graphics works.

Image result for repetition art examples illusions

This is a good example of repetition.
This is a basic 2D image and it's an illusion. It's interesting that basic repetition can mesmerize the most powerful tool in the universe.

Image result for balance example in art

This is an example of a balanced art.
It's equalizing the composition of the art. Half of the art being similar to the other half of the art.

Image result for emphasis art example

This is a good example of emphasis being projected in art. There are 2 elements. A circle and a square. There are 15 circles but only one square emphasizing the giant square surrounded by dozens of small circles. When seeing this the first thing you see in the one giant square.

Sorry for the blog being late. I was late to class because I missed the shuttle; I wasn't there for the full instructions.